Thursday 26 January 2012

Matthew Ewald's Whispers In The Cries Review

‘Whispers In The Cries’ is Matthew Ewald’s second novel, This may be Matthew's second novel but this novel is different from Matthew normally writes this one is writing from Matthew’s own experiences from when he went on board the mother of all ghost ships herself the Queen Mary. ‘Whispers In The Cries’ is one Breathtaking, Interesting,ghostly and intimidating and very… Very unsettling novel.

This is a story that won’t only make you feel sorry for the main character Randy Conway but will make your spine tingle in the suspense all the way though the whole novel. It is one outstanding, chilling and bizarre story, one that is truly up there in the best Ghost Stories to read. Let's just say if you love ghost stories (like I do) this novel is totally for you.

To begin with the story was a little weird to start of with but soon as you start delving into this haunting novel you never want to put the novel down or stop reading. I love beyond love all the characters like the mysterious and sinister Mr Thetepet and his evil demons to the angelic and kind Abigail. All the character shape the entire story to make it as haunting and scary as possible. I loved the Author's note right at the end of the novel it was very interesting to read and what great idea to have near the end just before about the author page was extremely fantastic

What I like about ‘Whispers In The Cries’ is how Matthew describe the torment Randy was going though while in the bowels and hands of the Queen Mary as well as Randy’s Grandfather years early, I also love how Matthew mentioned Richard King from his first novel ‘Human Nature’ like a little recap to Matthew’s thrilling first novel and what I didn’t like about this story was at the beginning was a bit slow to being with and I didn’t understand what was going on at first but afterward it started to understand what was happening. I love the ghost picture Matthew mentioned it's so surprisingly breathtaking I can't even describe how I feel when looking at the photo wow I haven't seen a clear ghost picture like that for ages and Matthew took a perfect picture of the Ghost he calls " Old Salt " :D

All in all a very spooky and scary story that will make you quiver in your shoes for a long time. Matthew should Definately get the award for Best Ghost Horror Story 2011. A must have book to read that every horror and ghost fan should buy and I can’t wait for Matthew’s next instalment in his third novel to dive and fall into the depths of Matthew’s unearthly and thrilling mind. Watching the trailer and looking at the cover for Whispers In The Cries’ you can tell it is gonna be a totally Creepy and spine-tingling novel.

Definately the best ghost story I have ever read in my entire life. Matthew you are a genus that has a brilliant and fantastic yet freaky mind :)

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